Friday, July 29, 2011

Thank You From Us to You

Perhaps only pictures can begin to express our deep appreciation to everyone who played a part in making our ministry to the Honduran people a possibility. Thank you for your interest, support and prayers. They were all well invested.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pray Without Ceasing

What do the six people in the following pictures all have in common?

Each spent one hour during today's brigade praying for the members of our team, praying for the people coming to the brigade for treatment, praying that people would put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, praying for God's protection and blessing on the events of the day.

You can imagine how encouraging it was to know that our entire time of serving was being covered by prayer and that is was our high school students who were doing most of the praying today.

As you remember us in prayer, would you please pray for one of our Honduran dentists, Ana. She is of Nicaraguan nationality and her cousin was kidnapped two days ago and brutally murdered for political purposes. Ana's life was also threatened when she returned to Nicaragua for her cousin's funeral. She is safe safe back in in Honduras but worries for her family.

For more pictures:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Who Made Your Mouth?

The focus of our team this week is recognizing the value of the mouth God has given us to serve Him. During Monday morning's devotions we saw that in Romans 10 God reminds us that faith in Jesus Christ comes from hearing the Gospel and hearing the Gospel is the result of it being preached (with our mouth).

During Tuesday morning's devotions we focused on the excuses we use to NOT share the Gospel as we looked at the life of Moses. Moses thought his ignorance about God and fear of rejection were valid reasons for not accepting God's call to be His spokesman before Pharaoh. When those excuses didn't work, Moses tried his lack of eloquence as an excuse.

Listen to God's response in Exodus 4:11-12: The LORD said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

During Monday's medical brigade, one of our high school students was struggling with her effectiveness in presenting the Gospel to those she talked with in Evangelism. So during her break for lunch, she spent some alone time with God writing the poem that follows as a way of listening to what God was telling her.


Help me

Guide me

Lead me

Show me

My words are pointless

I stumble and mumble

My tongue will fumble

But Your words are best

They aren’t a mess

Just lock up my words

And use my mouth to confess

Your glory

Your story

That there is no other God for me

I can’t do this on my own

It scares me

It wears me

Deep down to the bone

I don’t know what to say

I can’t do this alone

I don’t know what to say

So I’ll look up to the throne

This is it

I give it all to You

Because if I rely on myself

I won’t know what to do

And suddenly the path is clear

And I realize

I have nothing to fear
  Written by Ruby Berns
July 25, 2011
Here is Ruby sharing Christ with a visitor

For a look at more pictures go to the following link:

We apologize for not being able to upload more pictures. Internet access issues have limited our entries to the blog and photobucket

The Power of Prayer

For the first time in all the years that I (Pastor Don) have led brigades, this year we had specific people praying for the clinic throughout the day. It wasn't that we didn't understand the power of prayer in the past. We did. And it wasn't that we didn't pray for the clinic. We did. We just never specifically assigned people to be praying while others were working.

What a concept! Duh.

The end result was powerful. The impact on the team, knowing that someone was praying for them was powerful. The stories of what we saw God do was powerful.

As we lift up our team in prayer throughout the day, please join us. Be a part of our prayer journey.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

United and We're Not Talking Airlines

Here is the proof. We are actually all together for a photo moment. Tired and ready to get a good night's sleep but together. Once we landed and gathered all our luggage, the emphasis on ALL, we (the part of the team from Cary, IL), we all had lunch together at El Patio, shopped til we dropped or were rained on at Valle de Angeles and headed back to the mission house. Until tomorrow evening, we say to one and all, get a good night's rest and keep us in your prayers.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Torrential Rains Will Not Deter Us

After days of no rain at all, who would have guessed that more rain would fall in a four hour period of time than ever before in the history of Chicago. But that would not keep us from our appointed destination. Well, it slowed us down but what's one night in Miami before we reach our final destination.
The video clip below will give you a little idea of what we encountered on our way to the airport.

We leave tomorrow morning on American Airlines at 10:35am ET and arrive in Tegucigalpa 2 hours and 15 minutes later Lord willing.

The team has been awesome in spite of the challenges. Continue to keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Welcome to our July 2011 Honduras Blog Site

On Saturday, July 23, 2011, thirty-four people from different walks of life and different parts of the United States of America will converge on Tegucigalpa for one week of life changing experiences. The lives that will be changed will be both Honduran and American.

Over the course of seven days, hundreds, even thousands of Honduran lives will be touched with the love of Christ and will hear the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus.

Scores of Honduran believers will be encouraged by the partnership we will have them as they host each medical brigade and we bring medical care to their neighborhoods.

Finally the lives of each team member will be changed in ways that go beyond our ability to fully comprehend.

Join us each day by reading the blog entries here and viewing the many pictures at

Pray for us and if you want share your comments with us on the blog. Thank you to one and all who have helped make this year's trip possible.