Saturday, July 23, 2011

Torrential Rains Will Not Deter Us

After days of no rain at all, who would have guessed that more rain would fall in a four hour period of time than ever before in the history of Chicago. But that would not keep us from our appointed destination. Well, it slowed us down but what's one night in Miami before we reach our final destination.
The video clip below will give you a little idea of what we encountered on our way to the airport.

We leave tomorrow morning on American Airlines at 10:35am ET and arrive in Tegucigalpa 2 hours and 15 minutes later Lord willing.

The team has been awesome in spite of the challenges. Continue to keep us in your prayers.


  1. Everyone looks great. It was an adventure driving 4 of the HS girls to O'Hare. Praying for all of you.

  2. You have already bonded over the adventure of simply getting to the airport....What a memory!! I'm glad I got to experience that part with you.
    You would never suspect the challenges based on your smiles and great perspective. Now praying for God's protection and personal provision as you travel tomorrow, and that you would continue to keep that great perspective in all of it. We know He must have great plans in store!!

  3. Yesterday's drive to the airport was an in your face reminder of who really is in charge and where our trust should Him. It was an honor to be a small part of your journey to Honduras this week. My prayer is that you would put on the full armor of God each day and be prepared to be amazed by God as you serve Him this week. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story of your journey.

  4. That picture looks like the Honduran restaurant we visited the first day another year or is this you in Miami??? God's speed and safe journey, anxious to read of His constant provisions...wish I was there! Another day!

  5. Looks just like my basement that night!
