Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Who Made Your Mouth?

The focus of our team this week is recognizing the value of the mouth God has given us to serve Him. During Monday morning's devotions we saw that in Romans 10 God reminds us that faith in Jesus Christ comes from hearing the Gospel and hearing the Gospel is the result of it being preached (with our mouth).

During Tuesday morning's devotions we focused on the excuses we use to NOT share the Gospel as we looked at the life of Moses. Moses thought his ignorance about God and fear of rejection were valid reasons for not accepting God's call to be His spokesman before Pharaoh. When those excuses didn't work, Moses tried his lack of eloquence as an excuse.

Listen to God's response in Exodus 4:11-12: The LORD said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

During Monday's medical brigade, one of our high school students was struggling with her effectiveness in presenting the Gospel to those she talked with in Evangelism. So during her break for lunch, she spent some alone time with God writing the poem that follows as a way of listening to what God was telling her.


Help me

Guide me

Lead me

Show me

My words are pointless

I stumble and mumble

My tongue will fumble

But Your words are best

They aren’t a mess

Just lock up my words

And use my mouth to confess

Your glory

Your story

That there is no other God for me

I can’t do this on my own

It scares me

It wears me

Deep down to the bone

I don’t know what to say

I can’t do this alone

I don’t know what to say

So I’ll look up to the throne

This is it

I give it all to You

Because if I rely on myself

I won’t know what to do

And suddenly the path is clear

And I realize

I have nothing to fear
  Written by Ruby Berns
July 25, 2011
Here is Ruby sharing Christ with a visitor

For a look at more pictures go to the following link:

We apologize for not being able to upload more pictures. Internet access issues have limited our entries to the blog and photobucket


  1. Wow, God really did speak to Ruby. In her honest acknowledgement of her own weakness, God taught her what we all need to learn. If Ruby :) will remember this and the rest of us who read this acknowledge this, our reliance on God will pave the way for HIM to do His work. I am guessing some incredible accounts of how God worked will be forth coming.

  2. It is just amazing how my devotionals this week have tied in with our fears and relying on God...or should I really not be that surprised at His plans for all of you? Praying for all of you!

  3. That poem is awesome! God is greatly blessing!

  4. Ruby - What an awesome poem! It reminds me of Proverbs 3:5-6 - when we lean on Him and acknowledge Him, He WILL make our paths straight. Is your translator Guillermo? I love that kid - say hi to him for me... he was my translator last year.

  5. Ruby...thank you for your transparency...your words echo my struggles...this poem was a reminder of how I am helpless in my words and relaying them. Only He can give me the correct words to let my mouth be His vessel. Praying for you and the whole team each day. :)

  6. Love the photo's, etc. We are rejoicing with you, praying without ceasing, giving thanks in ALL your circumstances knowing this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you all. 1 Thess. 5:12-13 Love, Nana & Papa

  7. This is amazing Ruby! We're praying for you all back here. Is it a prerequisite to have a poet on every trip (a role filled by Diane B on our trip)? Or is that just God's amazing way of completing the body with the parts he wants there? (rhetorical question!)

  8. I definitely identify with both Moses and Ruby! As Ruby says, the key is to rely on God and not yourself. I also like to remember that I am not responsible for the results. Sometimes people are ready, and sometimes they aren't, in which case your conversation may be a stepping stone along the path that leads them ultimately to Christ. I'm praying for you all!
